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Last year FRP, commissioned a new mural at Yanchep Village by the exceptionally talented Perth artist, Brenton See.

Yanchep Mural

FRP is driven by a vision to deliver projects of meaning and lasting value. This dedication extends beyond our daily operations, ensuring that every facet of the business fosters thriving and vibrant centres for our communities.

our vision to create a new district hub in the city of Yanchep, the new mural helps shape an authentic and distinctive identity for Yanchep Village and creates a sense of place.

The artwork captures the essence of the local environment, showcasing the rich biodiversity found in the nearby coastline and Yanchep National Park.

Featuring some of the region's most unique flora, such as the Red-striped Yellow Tailflower, Shining Fanflower, and Yellow Leschenaultia, the artwork also pays homage to the vibrant birdlife with depictions of the Buff-banded Rail, White-winged Fairy Wren, and Sacred Kingfisher.

The artwork has received an overwhelmingly positive response from local residents, who have praised the mural for enhancing the vibrancy of the centre and its celebration of the native flora and fauna. 

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