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At FRP we have a holistic approach to property which allows us to strategically manage our properties to create value and opportunity across our portfolio. This integrated approach enables us to effectively manage our properties, maximise their potential, and optimise results for our clients.

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Asset Management

Our asset management team is committed to enhancing each asset and optimising the value of our property portfolio.

With a deep understanding of the market and industry best practices, our team devise innovative strategies that unlock opportunities, drive performance, and enhance each asset's value.

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Property Management

Our experienced in-house property management team have the expertise to effectively manage commercial property assets. Our team has a unique insight into commercial properties and a wealth of experience that helps each individual property run smoothly and efficiently.

Our property management model streamlines all areas of operations to help achieve the best possible outcome for our properties. Our team helps reduce costs and increase efficiencies, in turn, maximising returns for our investors.



Our in-house leasing team has over 15 years of leasing experience and oversees the leasing of our properties nationally. They have strong relationships with both local and national tenants to ensure that we have access to a diverse range of tenants perfectly suited for each property.

Our dedicated leasing team works closely with tenants to tailor solutions that help facilitate long-term relationships across our portfolio. By staying ahead of market trends and tenant preferences, our team implement effective leasing strategies that ensure an optimal tenancy mix, high occupancy rates and sustained success across our properties.

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Development & Project Management

The development and project management team has collectively completed over $500M worth of development projects, with varying and specialist knowledge across the team.

Our team’s strength is underpinned by our extensive experience and expertise which covers all stages of the project cycle from due diligence and early planning to construction completion.

The development and project management team pride themselves on their precision, passion and their ability to bring projects to life.

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Investment Funds

We recognise the importance of all aspects of sustainability and seek to consider sustainability across all our developments, properties and operations. We are consistently looking for opportunities to improve efficiency across our assets, to help ensure we optimise the use of resources and respect the environments in which we operate.

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